
Carbon emissions

decrease in total scope 1 and scope 2 (market-based) tCO2e emissions

Resource management

reduction in gas usage in 2023

Renewable power

of electricity from renewable sources

Water usage

rainwater harvesting systems installed in 2023

Rotork Vietnam chính hãng

Chemical, process and industrial

We create value by partnering with our customers in the chemical, process and industrial markets to deliver intelligent flow and process automation solutions that maximises their operational reliability and efficiency.


Oil and gas

We specialise in producing actuators and related flow control equipment for every part of the oil and gas industry, including production, processing, distribution and storage. Our products control hundreds of thousands of valves in plants across the world.


Water and power

Our products control thousands of valves in the water and wastewater industry. Our flow control products are used in potable water treatment including filtration, desalination and distribution. We are involved in level control in dams, reservoirs and irrigation systems.

rotork viet nam